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PC House and Piers for Non-Navigational Bridge of Package CB05 of Hong Kong –Zhuhai – Macau Sea Crossing Bridge Has been Completed by Half

Source:    Date:2014-04-01  

On March 27, The 31st(No. 210th ) PC house and pier shaft for Non-Navigational Bridge of Package CB05 of Hong Kong –Zhuhai – Macau Sea Crossing Bridge has been launched to the cofferdam of the 210th Pier by Little Swan Heavy Tonnage Crane Barge which indicates that the PC house and piers for non-navigational bridge of Package CB05 of Hong Kong –Zhuhai – Macau Sea Crossing Bridge has been successfully completed by half.

Non-navigational bridge comprises of totally 62 nos. PC Houses and bottom section pier shafts, 13 nos. middle section pier shafts, 62 nos. pier capping. Currently the proposed package has completed totally 31 nos. PC Houses and bottom section pier shaft, 3 nos. middle section pier shaft, 18 nos. pier capping. Furthermore, nearly totally 66 nos. PC House including middle section pier shaft and top section pier shaft for Package CB05 have been completed in Zhongshan Precasting Yard in Guangdong Province.  

